To select electives for the upcoming conference, enter your registation number below:



Workshop 1: Peter Lusk - Effective Pastoral Care and Outreach to Children

Peter assisted in the development of the Lifekeys Kids with Courage course and was instrumental in establishing it in a number of Government Primary Schools. This initiative connected hundreds of families to the church who would never otherwise have been reached. Peter also carried the impact of Kids with Courage into the development of Southern Cross Kids Camps, reaching the most needy children in our city. Learn how to make the most of the seven sessions of Kids with Courage in your ministry context. Kids with Courage addresses behavioral, emotional and relationship struggles any kid can encounter at school or at home. Suitable for kids in secular or church settings: an outstanding opportunity to extend the ministry reach of your church.

Workshop 2: Helena McNeill - Building Loving Disability Inclusive Christian Community

Making church a positive place for adults and children with disabilities. Speaking from personal experience as a mother and as a church leader Helena will give strategies and explore ideas that can help. Helena served as Worship Director at Careforce Church and Willow Creek Chicago.

Workshop 3: Greg Burson - Prayer and the Church that Restores

"If your prayer is not enticing you outside your comfort zones, if your Christ is not an occasional "threat" you probably need to do some growing up and learning to love." Richard Rohr, Everything Belongs: The Gift of Contemplative Prayer Prayer is a practice that lies at the heart of all religious beliefs - its our most natural response to spirituality. The church of the 21st Century finds itself increasingly interested in contemplative and mystical practice of old. Could the art of looking to the prayers of the past be the best thing to happen to the modern church?

Workshop 4: Alison Hilbig - Sexual Health for Marriages

Using the Valiant Man and Understanding Your Valiant man resources for pastoral care and to restore and bring healing to the sexual health of married people. Allison comes with years of experience as a Health Professional, university lecturer and Lifekeys expert.

Workshop 5: Allan Meyer - Restoring Financial Discipleship

One of the most vital areas of discipleship is helping people manage their finances with a Kingdom mindset, which is the heart of the Mastering Your Money course. An electronic version of the Mastering Your Money budget is now available as an Xcel file developed by Rebecca Doumouras who teaches the Mastering Your Money course at Door of Hope in Launceston. Learn how to use Mastering Your Money in your congregation along with the new computer budget file. The Xcel file will be provided to all attending this workshop. Bring your laptop. If the electronic version is beyond you, come and learn how to use the paper version.


Workshop 1: Helen Meyer - Enhancing Small Group Leader & Facilitator Skills

This is an interactive session that will explore and model approaches to handling the more difficult situations that can arise in small groups. Particular emphasis will be given to the skill of asking questions that help participants move to a deeper level of sharing. Helen is the Director of Lifekeys and co-authored the training course.

Workshop 2: Greg Burson - Prophetic Power and Process

"Prophecy is an exegesis of existence from a divine perspective" Abraham Heschel. One of the greatest challenges we have in living well is answering the question "Where is God in this moment of my life?" In this workshop, Greg will help us to consider how we discern the restorative process of God's pathos working in our lives.

Workshop 3: Peter McHugh - Style, Culture and the Restoring Church

Peter will discuss how the style of church impacts its culture and influences the leading of the congregation on a transformational journey. Our style and culture impacts the way in which those who engage with our church experience the working out of their salvation with respect to their new identity. A vital workshop for those who lead.

Workshop 4: Sharon Witt - Raising Resilient Girls in a Highly Sexualized Culture

We want to see our girls mature into healthy, strong resilient girls. Resilience involves the ability to "bounce back" or recover when things go wrong or negative experiences impact us. By giving girls key strategies to develop resilience, we prepare them for life. Sharon will provide key skills and strategies our girls need in order to be resilient, strong and capable young women. Sharon is a teacher, speaker and author of 13 books for teens.